Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

Armor | Shields | Weapons
Artifacts | Augmentations | Creature Companions | Computers | Hybrid Items | Magic Items | Technological Items | Traps
Manufacturers (Augmentations) | Manufacturers (Weapons) | Other Items | Special Materials

| Advanced Melee | Ammunition | Basic Melee | Grenade | Heavy | Longarms | Small Arms | Sniper | Solarian | Special
Critical Hit Effects | Special Properties | Weapon Accessories | Weapon Fusions

Rift Rifle

A rift rifle doesn’t fire projectiles. Instead, dozens of sigil-covered ceramic coils fill its squat barrel. Once charged, the coils destabilize planar boundaries in a targeted area to create a small, localized teleportation field. The field affects the individual cells and chemical bonds that comprise a target’s physical form, and the weapon deals damage by violently and simultaneously teleporting these minuscule components a short but devastating distance.

Rift Rifle, Borehole

Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 79
Level 14; Price 80,000
Hands 2; Proficiency Sniper
Damage 6d10 S; Range 100 ft.; Critical Corrode 3d6
Capacity 40 charges ; Usage 5
Bulk 2; Special Force, sniper (600 ft.), unwieldy

Rift Rifle, Pinhole

Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 79
Level 4; Price 2,180
Hands 2; Proficiency Sniper
Damage 1d10 S; Range 60 ft.; Critical Corrode 1d6
Capacity 20 charges ; Usage 4
Bulk 2; Special Force, sniper (250 ft.), unwieldy

Rift Rifle, Keyhole

Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 79
Level 9; Price 14,500
Hands 2; Proficiency Sniper
Damage 3d10 S; Range 80 ft.; Critical Corrode 2d6
Capacity 20 charges ; Usage 4
Bulk 2; Special Force, sniper (400 ft.), unwieldy

Rift Rifle, Wormhole

Source Galaxy Exploration Manual pg. 79
Level 19; Price 600,000
Hands 2; Proficiency Sniper
Damage 11d10 S; Range 120 ft.; Critical Corrode 4d6
Capacity 80 charges ; Usage 10
Bulk 2; Special Force, sniper (800 ft.), unwieldy